Cowardly Escaping the Real Work

Matthias Orgler posting this on LinkedIn in October 2022— 

#Agile #values are not an add-on to agility, they're the bulk of what makes #agility work.

While most 
#transformations focus 90% of their effort on #frameworks, roles, processes, they run the risk of never reaping the benefits of agility. Because 90% of what makes agility actually work has nothing to do with frameworks.

I understand that values, mindset and changing your view of the world is scary and seems too soft for business. Frameworks and detailed descriptions of roles, organizational structures and processes mollify us. They're something tangible to hold on to and we feel as if we're making progress. But in reality, we're cowardly escaping from the real work: adopting a new view of the human being, agile values and an agile 
#mindset. We're escaping true agility and rob our companies of huge possible benefits. 

⚠️ Neglect 
#agileValues at your own risk.

What struck me most deeply in Mattias’ post was this statement—

But in reality, we're cowardly escaping from the real work: adopting a new view of the human being, agile values and an agile #mindset. We're escaping true agility and rob our companies of huge possible benefits.

You might say that this sounds too dramatic, too judgmental, too negative or critical, and too extreme.

I actually found it boldly courageous and an act of telling us (the agile consulting, coaching, and certification communities) that we have no clothes.

That we’re not focusing hard enough on what truly matters.

What say you, are you cowardly escaping by focusing on the easy bits? If so, what will you do to change that?

Stay agile (in mindset and values) my friend,
