Badass Coaching

Why do Agile Coaches have an Aversion to Consulting?

Why do Agile Coaches have an Aversion to Consulting?

It seems to be an ongoing topic within the agile coaching community.  

Can an Agile Coach provide advice or consult with a client? The predominant answer seems to be no. Or something like—if you’re providing advice, then you’re NOT coaching. So, do you want to be a Coach? Or do you want to be a Consultant or Advisor? But you certainly can’t be both!

I’ve always wondered where this position comes from. If I’m advertising myself as an Agile Coach serving my clients…

  • Is it simply wrong to mix the two? Am I doing my client a disservice if I give them advice?

  • Or is it a skills challenge where many coaches find themselves under-skilled or uncomfortable delivering consulting advice?

  • Or, is it easier or less risky to professionally coach versus providing consulting advice?

  • Or is it something else altogether?

My initial reaction is that it might confuse Professional Coaching and Agile Coaching.  Thinking that they are the same. As I explored in my Extraordinarily Badass Agile Coaching book, they are not.