Do good

Stop Training “Agile”

Stop Training “Agile”

and by “Agile” I mean (Scrum, Kanban, SAFe, etc.)

This post was inspired by another from Al Shalloway that I recently came across. In that article, I read the following—

First, should any certified Scrum trainer train a team in Scrum when they've been told by management to do Scrum? Technically, it's not Scrum since the team is being told what to do - violating Scrum's suggestion that teams should self-manage.

And it struck me how powerful the point was. Particularly since I believe the majority of agile classes, independent of the focus or certification source, are prescribed for the learners. They’re being told to attend, coerced, or forced to attend as part of some overall agile initiative.

This is a tactical focus and a huge mistake. You can’t become agile or get to an agile mindset by sitting through a class…any class! It just doesn’t work that way.