
Your story...

We are our stories.

No. These are not stories that surround us or that are told about us. These are the stories that we tell ourselves, that we share in our heads. Stories of… 

  • I am not good enough

  • I am not skilled or experienced enough

  • I am not smart enough

  • I am not strong enough

  • I am not…enough

Instead of those, perhaps begin telling yourself different stories, stories of…

  • I am magical

  • I am complete

  • I can do this

  • I am resilient

  • I am unique

  • I can survive this

  • I can overcome this

  • I am complete and I am…enough

When do you tell these stories?

All of the time. Quietly and continuously. One story at a time, shift from ‘not’ to ‘am’ stories and become what you truly are.

Stay agile my friends,


BTW: this blog post contains a nice graphic around our old versus new stories -

Storytelling lessons I've learned on my journey...

Storytelling lessons I've learned on my journey...

I’m of the mind that Storytelling is THE communication imperative for today’s most effective leaders. But the question is always—

  • What does Storytelling “look like?”

  • How do I start the Storytelling path?

  • And, how do I become a great Storyteller?

And, while I don’t profess to be a “professional” Storyteller, I have become a solid Storyteller over the years, so this article is intended to share some of my learnings.

Storytelling Considerations

Stories are found, not made

You have to first become an active observer of your surroundings. You have to pay attention and, dare I say it, write things down. This is why I’m such an avid proponent of journaling. And by journaling, I mean old-fashioned paper and pen journaling. Jerry Weinberg wrote a book called Weinberg on Writing, where he shared his fieldstones technique for gathering story nuggets (fieldstones) that you later piece together into effective stories. The wonderful thing about this idea is you can “reuse” your stones.