


I can’t remember when I first heard someone talk about their superpowers. Perhaps within the last 5 years, so it’s a relatively recent notion for me.

But when I heard them say it, it made immediate sense to me. The sense that each of us has some sort of extraordinary strengths that we’re often not aware of. Something that makes us special. And surprisingly, something that we often unaware of and/or don’t leverage in our lives.

Dede Henley defined superpowers this way in Forbes—

A person’s super power is their particular genius: the specific, unique and specialized skill that they bring to the workplace. It is their secret sauce.

A super power isn’t a skill but a perspective, a mindset, a way of working that enhances everything you touch. It’s unique, like a thumbprint, part of your brand. It is that quality that causes others to say, “You know who would be great for this…?” or “We should go to so and so. They would know exactly what to do here.”

Super Power Discovery

I think the hardest part though is discovering what your superpowers are. And not what you think they are. Often, because we often lack self-awareness, we presume the wrong things.

Again, from Dede’s article, I’ve modified these slightly, but here are three questions she suggested you use to help identify your superpowers—