The Cat is Out of the Bag!


Let me share the BIGGEST secret in agile transformations. But first—

  • Let me apologize in advance to all of those agile coaching & training firms for letting the cat out of the bag. And for any impacts to your revenue streams.

  • Let me apologize in advance for any impact this might have on any firm “doing agile”.

  • And finally, let me apologize for not saying this sooner. I should have probably been saying this loudly and often at least a decade ago. If not earlier!

That being said, I’m sharing it now, so better late than never…

Bob, we can’t stand it. What is the secret?

Drum roll, please…

It’s that – Leaders need to go first. In everything!

  • Go first, in understanding the agile and lean mindsets;

  • Go first, in attending sufficient training to understand of what good looks like;

  • Go first, in internalizing all of this so that they begin to become agile from the inside/out;

  • Go first, in shaping the vision, why, and stories behind their agile journey;

  • Go first, in inviting their organizations to be part of their agile why and vision;

  • Go first, in walking their talk each and every day. Modeling an agile mindset, setting the culture appropriately and showing everyone the way forward…

You can take and invest in all of the “team focused” activity you want to. But it’s not going to work out as well as it will when leaders (senior leaders, mid-level management, PMO’s, etc.) actually work on transitioning themselves to agile before they inflict it on their teams or organization.

There! The cat is out of the bag!

Enjoy the benefits of this secret information and share it with all of your friends.

Stay agile my friends,
