Job search & network activation advice for LinkedIn

I posted the following— 

in late September 2023. As of October 14th, it’s received 87 comments, 147 reposts, and +48k impressions.

I’ve also received hundreds and hundreds of direct messages. Most of them have an attached resume requesting me to speak with them and directly assist them in their job search.

I was and continue to be overwhelmed by the responses. I’m also confounded when others think that an offer for help equates to my doing their job search for them.

Even if I intend to help, and I do, I simply don’t have the time for hundreds of conversations or directly handling a thousand resumes.

So, I thought I’d write this post with some advice & examples of what I think might be more useful strategies for using LinkedIn in your job search and better activating me and your networks.

LinkedIn example posts of people getting the word out about their capabilities –

Here are three LI posts you might want to model…

Alex Sloley example:

Teddy Carroll example:

Mike Connolly example:

all three posts are—

  • Informative, quick reads

  • Mini-resume format

  • Clear search / opportunity goals

  • Easy to comment on, like, or repost

Mitch Goldstein shared this brief post that contains information about his “genesis story,” which I think is a powerful message to share—

Christine Converse did a really nice job of sharing her job search on LinkedIn, including a regular pulse with metrics—

There’s a LOT to be learned from her journey!

How you can help me help you on LinkedIn


  • Post something and tag me on it directly or in a comment. If I see it, I’ll try to weigh in in some supportive way.

  • If I’m connected to someone you want to connect with on LinkedIn, email me their LinkedIn profile and your connection intent. If I know you and them relatively well. I’ll make the connection.

  • If you’re trying to use LinkedIn to build your brand, tag me on those posts, and I’ll minimally like your post and possibly comment on it or repost it.

  • If I know you well, I’d happily write a recommendation on LinkedIn for you. Just ask.


  • Send me your resume.

  • Ask me to look for a job for you.

  • Ask me for a LI recommendation when I don’t know you.

  • Ask me for job search advice (it’s been so long since I’ve looked, you wouldn’t want it anyway 😉

Wrapping Up

I’m still working through the replies I received and continue to receive. Please be patient with me if you haven’t heard back. I’m doing my best to reply to most.

I want to acknowledge that it’s an incredibly challenging job market for members of my agile tribe. I’m sending you positive thoughts and encouragement to stay resilient and persevere. I’m still convinced that the cream will rise to the top—now more than ever!

Stay agile my friends,
